What are the characteristics and advantages of PCHE?

What are the characteristics and advantages of PCHE?

What are the characteristics and advantages of PCHE?

What are the characteristics and advantages of PCHE?

Structural features:

Print Circuit Heat Exchanger (PCHE)

Diffusion-bonded Compact Heat Exchanger (DCHE)

Diffusion-bonded Micro-Channel Reactor (DMCR)

    The metal sheet is processed into a reaction plate having various flow path shapes by chemical etching, and the solid metal reaction plate is connected by diffusion welding technology under high temperature and high pressure.

    Channel section: semi-circular channel, profiled pattern: straight, zigzag (ZigZag type) (zigzag).

    Pressure and temperature adaptability: the pressure can reach 30MPa, the ultimate bearing capacity can reach more than 200MPa; the ultimate temperature tolerance can range from cryogenic to 900; it can effectively handle large temperature difference conditions caused by fluid or rapid temperature change; The equipment can allow a variety of media to implement the heat exchange process; can achieve a small temperature difference of up to 2 ; can choose a series of corrosion-resistant materials manufacturing equipment; no gasket (no leakage), no brazing, no tube, Has higher equipment integrity.

Product advantages:

1. High compactness: 200-5000m²/m

2. Small channel size: 0.5-2mm

3. High heat transfer coefficient: 3000-7000/(m²·K)

4. Temperature resistance: -200-900

5. High pressure resistance: 30-200MPa

6. High reliability, no excess, no solder blockage

7. Welding strength is equivalent to material base material strength